I put on my ‘brave shoes’ and decide to go for a walk all the way to the village, to pick up a parcel. I haven’t walked that long and far since I hurt my ankle in December. It’s a grey day, temperatures have dropped again. Now around 3 to 4 °C. But with not much wind and only the tiniest bit of rain, it’s a good enough day for a long walk. The road to the village is all free of snow now but I still see
many big patches of snow around me. Since I wrote in my last newsletter end of march, that I saw the first sign of spring, winter and spring have been juggling together for some space. It snows, it melts, it snows and it melts again. And later this week temperatures will drop even more and some more snow is expected. And I take every day as it comes. Plans are most often made in the moment, depending on the wheather and how I feel. What a wonderful way of living!
So even though winter is not giving up yet, spring is slowly but surely creeping in. I see it in the buds that grow fatter every day. I see more and more ‘goose chicks’ (from the willow), coming out. The small blueberry bushes start to sprout even while being surrounded by snow. I smell spring in the air. Such a different smell of spring as in the Netherlands. But that
fresh, faintly sweet smell is undeniable the promising smell of spring. The reindeer are back! Another sure sign winter is retreating. And of course, what Slettnes nature reserve is all about: the birds are coming back. And with that, the first birdwatchers have arrived.
Spring brings all kinds of new activities as well. I have been picking ‘måse egg’, eggs from a seagull species, a time-honoured tradition here. I join in for it gives me a wonderful opportunity to take some closer photographs of birds. I am not a birdphotographer at all but I want to try it anyway! It is on a tiny private island along the coast, so we go there by boat. And getting from the bigger boat into a smaller one, then from
that one to the rocky shore is not an easy task ! Especially with a heavy camerabag. But I manage, even though not very gracefully :-). First I had some misgivings about picking the eggs and depriving the birds of their chicks. But I understand that you only pick a certain amount of eggs in the nest. The birds will then lay more eggs. It is fascinating to be surrounded by so many birds who give voice to their displeasure of us being there. I
take picture after picture and I enjoy myself immensely. Three times we have been out on a trip. But it is still quite cold and the birds have no intension of laying their eggs in abundance, yet :-). So more trips to come. I have tasted the eggs and I have to say: it tastes wonderful !
A part of me does not want spring to arrive. For with the coming of a new season, it also brings my departure closer. It is something I want to push away from me, but reality creeps in: I will be leaving from here in 2 months. I know I have to go back. Even though my soul wants to live here forever, my earthbound spirit knows that it is time to go home. And there are some practical issues that make a longer stay difficult. Just writing about my departure causes a deep pain in my heart. It feels like I have to take off a very sticky Band-Aid from hairy skin: I know it has to come off but I am already anticipating the pain even before I touch the Band-Aid! So if there is any time when it is beneficial for me to practise living in the moment, it is NOW.
So, with my brave shoes on, I walk to the village. Enjoying the smell of spring, rejoice in the soft, tender ‘goose chicks’. Feeling uplifted by the sight of the reindeer herd. Listening to the musical sounds of the melting water. Living in the now, enjoying, taking it all in. No pressure of things I have to accomplish before I leave. Only be with me, Bizou and my camera, feeling the rhythm of the earth resonate in my body. The deep knowledge fills me that it doesn't matter where I am. As long as I can feel the heartbeat of the earth in resonance with mine, all will be well.....
p.s even though my ankle did start to hurt halfway to the village, I managed to walk the whole way! And thankfully got a lift back to the lighthouse :-).
Your pictures are very very beautiful. They take me into your present world so beautifully. But, and, so do your words!! Great vlog, I can see, read ánd feel it. ❤️
Dit is vooral projectie hoor! Zou ik dit durven? Willen? Kunnen ?
Ik probeer meer letterlijk alleen te zijn
Hartelijke groet!
her, har vært med på mye som du aldri kunne drømt om. Håper tiden du har igjen her blir like interessant og opplevelsesrik.
Hilsen Frank & Ruben
I often feel tied here and want to run away but know I would have to come home. By the way I am absolutely not suggesting you ran away, just sharing why that analogy resonated with me.
My love blessings and courage coming through the ether, Mandy xx
Another luscious, gorgeous sharing..... Your writing is so skillful, I feel right there with you! Thank You so much for bringing such depth & connection thousands of miles away :-)
Your ZuVu xxx
Wat een avontuurlijk leven heb jij zeg, ik bewonder je.hier gaat het leven gewoon door, het is volop lente, de bollenvelden zijn op zijn mooist en gisteren kwam de bloemencorso weer door de bollenstreek, hèt was weer mooi, maar het is nu wet gauw voorbij met de bollentijd , ik ben nog steeds gezond, gelukkig en nog steeds actief Met Linda en fam. gaat alles ook goed, Linda wil wel een weekje met jou ruilen Ik ga straks op mijn gemak jouw verslag lezen ,het ziet er erg spannend uit . Dag lieve meid hou je goed en ik laat nog wel weer van me horen. Dikke knuffel van WIL
Thank you again for sharing your experience. It must be beautiful, I could feel what you are living through your words. I am sure it is a fabulous soul time you are having. I could so resonate with your pain of leaving and also with the opportunity of living in the now. I wish a wonderful time.
Much love