It’s storming outside. And I know the wind will gain even more force, coming the night. I see the waves of the sea, furious white, with lots of spraying water. I hear the wind howling around the house. Now and then I feel the house shudder under the onslaught of the gusts of the wind..... This year there already have been lot’s of storms here in Slettnes. A lot for this time of the year. I remember myself thinking 2 months ago: ‘I have been warned about how the wind can rage here at the lighthouse, but I haven’t noticed anything so powerful as yet ! I wouldn’t mind a good storm ‘. And as always, be careful what you ask for, because within a week I experienced my first hurricane! And it doesn't seem to stop yet.
So how is it to live at a lighthouse and have the wind scourge the land, the sea, the (light)house and myself and bizou. I have to admit that when that hurricane came down to Slettnes, I was scared. Never before had I experienced natures power to such an extent. If the house is now shuddering, it was 10 times worse during the hurricane! But.... this house is build for
storms, the walls are infused with iron. It has stood here now for more than 70 years and withstood many storms and hurricanes. That night when the hurricane was going to hit full force here, it took me awhile to fall asleep. But once I slept, I slept through the worst of it! I woke up the next morning, feeling rested and happy. There is something fascinating about storms and it resonates deep within me, maybe in that wild woman’s place. At the same time it scares me, especially at night, when I can only feel and hear the storm, but see nothing but darkness. Quite symbolic I guess.
When you live in a place where it can storm and snow a lot, it defines life. For example, the day that I finally had an appointment with the doctor in Mehamn (25 km away) for a check on my ankle, it stormed and snowed. We tried to get on time for ‘kolonnekjøring’ (driving in convoy behind the snowplough-machine). But unfortunatly, there was so much wind and snow that cars already got stuck in the village and there was no way I could get to the doctor. The road between Gamvik and Mehamn stayed closed for traffic for the rest of the day.
Getting from and to the lighthouse is also weather depended. And I like that. It’s only during the storms that I feel like I am really isolated here. No one can come and I can go nowhere. This is what I thought how my life here would be more often. For as I have said before, it turns out that even in winter people come to this place at the edge of the world. So be it. It is during the storms that I sit safely and warm inside, while looking out of my window at the stormy sea. The waves are incredibly beautiful! I have enough food to keep me going for a week or two, even though that has never been necessary. I am all alone, with thankfully my dog bizou as company. And life is just fine......
With love from the lighthouse,
Marielle & Bizou
Video blog: a perfect winterday
That it doesn't always storm, you can see in this video where I enjoy a perfect winterday.
Wat zie je er goed uit. En zo gelukkig ook.
Prachtige golven ook.
Geniet van de lente, liefs Lotte
De week van 15-21 maart is de voorbereiding op de lente EQUINOX, een belangrijk astrologisch moment. Op 16 maart vindt de zevende en laatste Pluto-Uranus vierkant plaats, de planeten die zorgen voor alle heftigheid en verandering van de afgelopen maanden en jaren. Vlak voor de equinox is er een zonsverduistering tijdens de nieuwe maan, in een samenstand met zes vrouwelijke planeten, en al deze gebeurtenissen tesamen vormen een belangrijk moment van transformatie en incarnatie van het vrouwelijke: de energieen van vergeving, compassie, sensualiteit, vruchtbaarheid en liefde.
Embrace lieverd en geniet volop. xxxxErika
Wat een heerlijkheid om het leven en jou te zien gloren. Ik geniet ook zo van de nieuwe lente!
Wonderful news that you have come through the wild Winter, you wonderful wild womban! I just so love those beautiful pictures of the stormy waves. I hope that when you are home, you will make a presentation of all your photos so we can celebrate with you. Now that the spring shoots are moving, inside and outside of us all, have a great Equinox turning and take care of yourself, with love, Diana
Wat heerlijk je blog te lezen en ook van je video heb ik genoten. Je manier van vertellen en je mooie foto's brengen je belevenissen heel dichtbij. Fijn om dit zo mee te mogen maken ! Lieve groet, Margriet
Lijkt mij wel fijn daarzo :{spam{spam}spam{spam} En die foto's zijn niet te filmen zo mooi!!! goed bezig!! liefs leX
Wat een natuurkracht. Dankje voor het delen. Gisterenavond veel aan je gedacht bij het kijken naar de film Antartica, A year on ice. Overweldigend in een woord.
Gelukkig wordt het al lente daar. Nog een mooie tijd. Dikke zoen, Evie